Nov. 28

Statement from the Special Envoy on the Release of the 2017 World Malaria Report

by Ray Chambers

The World Health Organization’s 2017 World Malaria Report released today sends a very clear message: that progress does not happen by chance. The gains we have achieved in the fight against malaria since 2000—nearly 7 million lives saved, and hundreds of millions of infections averted—were accomplished through the concerted actions of many champions. It is this commitment, from resilient community health workers to steadfast governments of endemic countries and their external partners, that has positioned the global malaria response as one of the greatest public health achievements in the world. However, the data show that our progress is stalling and we risk reversing the hard won gains. We must double-down on our commitments, bring new technologies to bear, and increase investments to bring us back on track to end malaria for good.

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