Welcome to the archival website of the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Health in Agenda 2030 and for Malaria. All content and materials present on this website are for retaining institutional knowledge of the initiatives of the UN Special Envoy and his partners.

Ray Chambers

The UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Health in Agenda 2030 and for Malaria

Ray Chambers served as the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Health in Agenda 2030 and for Malaria (2015-2018). In these two positions, Mr. Chambers was tasked with catalyzing efforts and commitments required for the successful implementation of the health-related goals in Agenda 2030—which included ending the epidemics of AIDS, TB, and malaria—through leveraging his business expertise and experience. Prior to these roles, Mr. Chambers served as the UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Financing the Millennium Development Goals (2013-2015) and for Malaria (2008-2018), respectively.

Mr. Chambers currently serves as the World Health Organization’s Ambassador for Global Strategy.

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Investment and Financing Case: Community Health Workers

Investment and financing recommendations for strengthening primary health care through community health workers
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